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Elite Leagues for PS4 was created
by PSN's chrebet1024 and BurntCabbage
as a platform to host "Strategy Leagues"
for the titles of Madden NFL Football,
MLB The Show, NBA 2K and NHL.

The core group of owners came
from the Madden Leagues of MXL
and MXLF.

The term "Strategy Leagues" came
about after realizing there are two
very distinct extremes in Madden.
There is the "Freestyle" player who
only cares about winning and there
is also the "SIM" player who sometimes
takes the SIM aspect too far which in this
case gameplay actually becomes unrealistic.

So what about the "Real Football"
mind who wants to enjoy the
real principles of the game?
This is where the term "Strategy Leagues"
comes into play as this is an
arena where the real football person
can enjoy playing by a specific
set of rules catered to him.

In addition, Elite Leagues runs each
of it's leagues on it's own website,
which is something that the
bigger league hubs do not do.
Most bigger platforms only use one
website, and a simple forum for it's
leagues branching out from under them.
Elite Leagues provides a dedicated
website for each league which
consists of a forum, multiple webpages
and an endless amount of media content.

We provide the most COMPREHENSIVE and
IN-DEPTH leagues on the web today.

Madden Elite Football League and
Madden Elite Fantasy League are
Elite League's staples.
Elite Show League Baseball is the
other "Year-Round League."
Elite 2K League and Elite NHL League
are "Seasonal Leagues."

In addition to providing Strategy
Leagues, Elite Leagues for PS4
also provides Sports Gaming news,
opinions, highlights, tips and discussions.

Contact Us


Year-Round Leagues:
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Seasonal Leagues:

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Current date/time is Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:03 am